Sunday, July 19, 2009

Skin condition healed during worship

Was ich eigentlich erzählen wollte ist, dass ich Sonntag während dem Lobpreis geheilt worden bin ohne das jemand für mich gebetet hat "einfach" durch die Gegenwart Gottes. Ich hatte seit mehreren Wochen starke Hautprobleme und wollte nicht zum Arzt gehen weil ich Heilung
von Gott erwartete. Die letzten 2 Wochen war es so schlimm, dass ich mir nachts und tags die Haut im Gesicht fast blutig gekratzt habe weil es dauernd so gejuckt hat. Nach dem Gottesdienst, als wir nachhause kamen, sah ich aufeinmal, dass meine Haut wie neu aussah, am nächsten Morgen noch immer. Jetzt bin ich Gott sehr dankbar und freue mich nicht nur über die Heilung sondern auch über so eine tolle Gemeinde die sich nach Heilung und Gottes Gegenwart ausstreckt - Halleluja

What I wanted to tell you really is that I was healed last Sunday during the worship without anyone praying over me but "simply" by God's presence. I have had problems with my skin for many weeks now and didn't want to go to the doctor as I trusted in God to heal me. The last 2 weeks were so awful that I would almost scratch my face until it bled because of the itchiness! After the meeting, once we were home, I suddenly noticed how my skin looked almost new and the next morning as well. I am very thankful to God not only for healing me but also for such a wonderful church that seeks God's presence and healing - Hallelujah

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Glory to God!

Last Sunday we received the following reports of God's healing His people:

One person with back problems and pain, who couldn't swing her arms across her chest, was healed and can now move her arms freely right across her chest. Hallelujah.

During the worship, a man was healed of discomfort and pain in his hip and by the end of the meeting was jumping around! Glory to God.

A lady who had suffered for over 12 years from ringing in the ear (tinitus) was healed during the meeting. That is the second testimony of someone being healed of tinitus! Praise the Lord!